30 3D animations in 30 Days - Render November

I made 30 3D animations in 30 days by myself, Here is what I learned through Render November:

I made 30 3D animations in 30 days by myself, Here is what I learned through Render November:

  • Meeting the deadline matters more than pleasing my Ego.

  • Parkinson's law applies: Complex jobs get done even if just a few hours are allotted to them.

  • Over half the production time is spent polishing rather than creating.

  • Thanks to the deadline, I could easily force myself to come up with new concepts, no need for muses.

  • Design-wise, cinematography techniques & lighting made the best pieces stand out, rather than fancy technical tricks.

And guess what?

All of these takeaways apply to regular client work too.

A sense of urgency goes a long way in getting things done.

About the process

- All of these pieces were made with Cinema 4D + Octane Render, taking advantage of the denoiser & upsampler to achieve faster render times, and the GSG plus library to expedite lighting & texturing, After Effects was used for compositing and occasionally editing loops.

- All the lighting was done manually as well as compositing, animation, camera work & other effects & mechanisms, everything is done from scratch.

- Every piece was made in a single day, with work time-varying in complexity, everything is brand new work, and work was not batched or stacked, but done daily.

- Some tutorials were used for specific effects, but the lighting, compositing, camera work, and texturing are all done from scratch, credits to "Motion & Design" and GorillaU.

- Average render time was about 1 hour for every 3 seconds or 72 frames on an RTX 3070.


Modeling (when used): Samuel Salas

Animation: Samuel Salas

Texturing: Samuel Salas

Lighting: Samuel Salas

Compositing: Samuel Salas

Editing: Samuel Salas

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