BBB - Boss Babe Brain

Animated Spot

Get your work-life balance back with BBB

An animated spot going into the frustrations of modern work life balance, promoting an app that will serve as your second boss babe brain, keeping track of everything for you and acting as your personal Virtual assistant.

Animation, creative direction, resourcing VO, editing and SFX design: Samuel Salas

Illustration: Gievah Villarin



The goal was to tell an emotional story while still having a modern minimalist style to fit what audiences are used to in terms of mobile apps with AI integrations.

To achieve it, aside from our typical process of choosing colors based on market fit, we also decided to go for this type of character design, with simplistic limbs and faces, while still paying special care to the facial expressions and realism of the animation.

In the end, this leads to simple visual communication without compromising on the quality of the animation itself.


Since this was a 45 second spot, the whole process took roughly a week and a half of work and back and forth. We applied several new techniques as creative exploration, including custom sound design to help bring further humanity to these simple designs.

You can see the results for yourself, in the end, these techniques will help us bring our work to the next level, you can have simple designs and still wow your audience.

Read more below to get more insights into the decision-making behind the project.


  • Creative/Art Direction

  • Scriptwriting

  • Graphic Design & Illustration

  • Animation

  • Video Editing

  • Sound design & mixing.

  • Sourcing VO


Portraying frustration

The main focus was to help the viewer relate and empathize with the main character, so special care was put in the eyes to really make the tiredness, stress, and frustration come across.

This helps establish a strong contrast between the first half of the spot with the second half.

Then, as you see in the video, there is a bit of a day and night cycle going on, which helps bring the story full circle as we show the difference between a stressful day and a relaxed night out.

It all starts with Storyboards (my ugly drawings)

Final Styleframes

A quick look into some of the highlights.


Endless notifications

The part that conveys the most emotion, the goal is to make the viewer feel bad for the MC, we achieved this through face expressions and body language.


Work-life balance

From the title, we got inspiration from the lifestyle of the boss babe, but to make the situation even more extreme, we made them also be a mom, trying to juggle all the responsibilities of life.

We applied a bit of frame by frame animation magic to this scene, which gives some extra organic feel to the scene.

Logo Lockup

We bring the story full circle with a happy date night, indicating that the main character has found work-life balance thanks to the app, and now has the free time to enjoy life.

Ending with a zoom into the window and out to the night sky, revealing the logo with looping stars.


Ask me anything!


30 Animations in 30 days - Render November