Whiteboard animation for mental health awareness week



Noé Sébert, an influencer, and his team came to me with the goal of spreading awareness of mental health issues through some kind of custom video solution to post on Facebook and other social media.

After some discussion and an initial direction, we decided to go with a whiteboard black & white style to better and more strongly communicate the messaging paired with green screen footage and voice-over.



One of the challenges this project presented was how to properly represent and combine the different live elements alongside the illustrations, surrounding the talent with a white outline was a nice solution to the problem of them seeming out of place.

Revisions were not so bad, most of the changes were iterations on fonts and character spacing, but the general animation process went really smoothly as the client was really open to creative solutions.


To make this video happen I took care of and provided the client with Illustrations of the elements based on the script provided and references provided by the client and animating the whole video, as well as general video editing and green screen keying.

Music, script, and illustration references were provided by the client’s team and the client himself took care of the quality control and revisions, acting as a producer.



The client was really happy with the outcome and got raving reviews from his followers as well as great reactions from his Facebook audience, the process was relatively painless and led to the client providing the following testimony.



"Samuel has produced excellent work for the whiteboard animation we needed. He was also great with communication, very clear in what he needed from us and very responsive. We would highly recommend him!"

The Process

Feel free to ask any questions!



Direction and Animation for Facebook Ads Mastery promo video