Reimagining a Logo Animation for Rebrand initiative - Impact with Influence

Reimagined Logo Animation for Re-brand: Impact with Influence.

A look into how I reimagined the animation for a rebrand of an established online coaching brand that specializes in social media marketing and consulting services, taking care of the entire process guiding the client into achieving their vision and repositioning themselves in the market made anew.



To change the visual identity of their entire brand without breaking the bank, efficiently but creatively, bringing new energy and new vibes to their business through their animated visual elements, the client was the producer of Impact with influence, who needed their video assets to be, not just recreated, but completely reimagined from the ground-up to revitalize their content.


To lead them in the right direction, I proposed the creation of a new logo animation intro video, with a stronger impact than the video “bumpers” they were using till this point, the idea was to make it flexible, able to be used in different ways for their live streams and videos on demand while expressing their brand’s unique energy, in this case, strong impact (signaled by the animation) and influence (through the color combinations and merging).


  • Creative Direction

  • Art direction

  • Design

  • Animation

  • Editing/Post-Production + Minor audio editing


The review process went smooth and the client was specially pleased with the reimagined animation:

IT'S AWESOME!!! I am happy with the results!

After discussing the technical aspects of the animation and creating additional complementary assets we signed off as a success, more details on audience reception coming soon.

Re-branding can be scary

Just imagine, you have all of these assets that you’ve spent a fortune on, they work, but your business has grown to the point where you outgrow it, this is what the client faced in light of their new re-brand for coaching & consulting brand Impact with Influence.

Naturally, the client felt it was necessary to just recreate the same assets they already had but with their new branding, that’s why they came to me (who created their original assets).

However, I helped the client realize a new, exciting opportunity, what if we could take a bit of risk and reimagine their animation completely? Rather than reusing the same style why not take their movement in a new direction?

The client signed off on the idea and decided to give it a shot, leaving me the direction for the project, making the process fairly hands-off and straightforward.

It all starts with some Creative Direction to guide the client.


Complete Storyboard for logo animation Impact with Ifnluence

The storyboard was approved with flying colors by the client.

Although at first, the client wasn’t sure about going for a fully animated approach reliant on a lot of motion (in his experience, it was hard to pull off and most of the time it would come off as cheesy) they trusted my expertise into taking this approach effectively.

Be careful about moving objects as it can be super cheesy... It all depends on the animation itself. I know you are extremely talented so I am curious to see where you'll take this!


Production starts.

Ready to begin, the client took the task of sourcing music that would resonate with their brand’s look and feel, licensed and delivered it to me, which I then took as the basis for bringing the logo to life.

That was everything I needed to get started problem solving how to turn this logo into an animated scene, I will spare you the details as it can be pretty geeky and boring but give you some general ideas that guided my decision making creating this animation.

  • Bouncing logo animations

    Starting with the smooth bouncing animation, the purple shapes that spark from the middle represent the union between the 2, which seemingly can’t seem to merge as they impact each other.

  • Logo coming together and merging into a new influence

    The logos rotate, signifying a change of approach, a new perspective that allows them to seamlessly merge, combining into a new color, the color of influence.

  • Logo reveal

    Then the reveal of the logo form, all matching the music. Right before the lockup.

Logo animation reveal gif

Finishing Touches

With the animation approved, and technical matters tweaked (like the use of an alpha channel for transparent wipes) the project was completed and immediately implemented as part of their live streams and video content.

The concept and execution of the concept are great!


Extra piece

With the project done, I was then tasked with creating a matching looping animated background to pair up with the new animated intro.

After sending them a couple of options this was the winning one, meant to be placed behind content like interviews, calls, podcasts, etc.

Any questions? Feel free to reach out!

Whatsapp: +584148109974


36 days of type - 3D Social Media Content


Creating a branded logo animation from scratch - Soul Vitamins