Google Trusted Media Summit 2022 Animation

Agile work for the Google Trusted Media Summit

A look into how I managed to put together an entire animation with just 2 days between receiving the script and the deadline, going through how having a flexible agile workflow and responsiveness can help save otherwise impossible projects (for a single person).



I was approached by Google News Initiative to contribute an animated interview trailer for their 2022 trust media summit, all about misinformation and how to deal with it. I took care of the entire process from direction to execution, Google the key visual that we see at the beginning and end, while I created the rest of the assets, some assets were sourced from libraries while others were custom-made.


The biggest challenge regarding this project was the fact that the script was only finalized 2 days before the deadline, meaning that there had to be a lot of guessing work and backtracking in an agile workflow in order to get as many assets as possible ready for animation, then animating everything in a couple of days, all on my own.

Fortunately, The producer from Google was really responsive and quick to provide feedback, which helped speed up the review process.


  • Creative Direction

  • Art direction

  • Design

  • Animation

  • Editing/Post-Production


In order to work around the tight deadline, we decided to keep animation and design work extremely simple, with just simple movement and easy transitions, while focusing on the messaging and the displaying of the people being interviewed. In the end, the project was a success and we were able to get the video ready for sharing at their conference.

A Challenging project for a challenging issue

For this project, it was really important to tell the right message, and this required careful refining of the script by the team at Google News, as well as editing of the experts being interviewed to tell a concise and easy-to-digest story with an important message: working together for the truth.

It all starts with some Creative Direction to plan ahead.


Agility is the name of the game

Since the script was not being finalized up to 2 days before the deadline (the conference event) Partial work had to be done along the way in order to prepare as many assets as possible for animation, premade icon packs and simple procedural animation techniques had to be used to make it possible.


5 minutes of animation, 5 revision sessions, 1 animator & illustrator.

Thanks to the simplicity of the project and the dynamic rigs that I implemented, applying changes was fast, allowing us to tweak all of the small kinks in a matter of seconds, allowing us to apply changes 5 to 6 times in just half a day.

  • Icons animation explanatory

    We added some animated simple icons to help bring more variety and clarity to the concepts being explained.

  • Mono chromatic titles

    They wanted to keep things simple and monochromatic, but still, have some elements of the Google branding in terms of the font and subtle color accent.

  • Interview section with professor illustrated

    The most important part was to get every participant looking appealing in the illustrations, as well as make the spoken sections feel dynamic, which we achieved through procedural movements and audio-reactive effects.

North Star animated scene

Finishing Touches

With the animation approved, and technical matters tweaked, Google provided some additional animated assets in the form of some characters sliding up towards the north start, riding the golden path, I took over the project files and implemented them into my own take to enhance the visuals.


Any questions? Feel free to reach out!

Whatsapp: +584148109974


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